Event:Building inclusive urban places for all ages: Working collaboratively for a better future  



Event: 12th June, 2025 

Location: Edgbaston Park Hotel, University of Birmingham, Birmingham 

Address: 53 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham, B15 2RS

Event organisers: Professor Sophie Hadfield-Hill and Professor Peter Kraftl

Event coordinator: Yuxin Gao (yxg272@student.bham.ac.uk)

Aims of the event

We invite stakeholders involved in the planning, design and build of communities across the UK to this event, which aims to share evidence and best practice about what works in building inclusive urban places for all generations. The event will explore what works best for residents across the lifecourse - and especially children, young people and older residents. It will also consider how urban places can be designed to foster better intergenerational relations between age groups.

Who is the event for and who are the organisers?

This one-day event is aimed at planners, architects, urban designers, community developers and other professionals working for local or national governments, commercial developers, third sector organisations. However, we welcome anyone working in the planning, design, delivery and stewardship of urban places and the delivery of new housing.

The event will be run by academics in the fields of human geography and urban planning at the University of Birmingham. Combined, we have several decades of experience and research evidence in what works in planning better, more inclusive urban places - particularly for marginalised groups like children and young people. Our work has informed the development of dozens of new urban places in England, and fed into toolkits and guidance published by (amongst others) Homes England and the RTPI.


Attendance at the event is free of charge, including lunch and refreshment. To secure a place at the event please complete this google form: https://forms.gle/Ed9PqjbWeTysvvDy6

We also have funding to support travel and accommodation for a limited number of participants. If you would like to apply for a travel and/or accommodation [could be both/or] bursary, please let us know on the google form.

Please register your attendance by Friday 10th April.  Applying for the funding does not guarantee that you will get it, we will confirm places by 6th May.

(We will be able to pay for your accommodation up front, but you will need to claim back your travel expenses).  

Indicative agenda for the day

9:30 Tea & coffee and networking

10:00 Introduction

10:15 Session 1: Recommendations from research 

Planning for intergenerational futures: Key research and recommendations  (Professor Sophie Hadfield-Hill and Professor Peter Kraftl, University of Birmingham)

The Delivery of Social Infrastructure and Creation of Intergenerational New Housing Developments (Dr. Charles Goode and Dr. Austin Barber, University of Birmingham; Turley)

Understanding the role of environmental context for active and healthy travel in new communities (Dr. Jenna Panter, University of Cambridge)

12:00 Lunch 

12:45 Session 2: What next? 

13:45 Session 3: Opportunities for collaboration 

14:30 Session 4: Community of practice

Group discussion about how we can build on the knowledge and expertise of those in the room to see larger-scale, sustainable change.

15:30 Event ends 


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